Looking again on the little creatures…

Looking again on the little creatures…

This summer I have developed a new respect for the little creatures. It all began with reading Jon Katz new book “Talking to Animals” and coming to realize the tremendous power of intention in relating to animals and of course to many other life aspects as...
My kitty Singer helps with silk painted scarves

My kitty Singer helps with silk painted scarves

The silk painting on the scarves is a very different process than batik. As with batik the fabric, the silk is washed well before I begin the dyeing and painting. I dye the scarf first in sections and sometimes use shibori techniques as part of the early process. I...
Gratitude for what can be created with my batik art

Gratitude for what can be created with my batik art

I have had the luck of having many of my customers being very talented in making things with my batik art fabric. I am including some of the totes made by them. The design work of these women is excellent. Some have shops on Etsy, and others do it for themselves and...
Feeling The Earth Below My Feet

Feeling The Earth Below My Feet

It was 20 years ago when I started taking Tai Chi from Mark Tolstrup, who at the time was in Glens Falls, teaching Tai Chi, Qi Gong, and seasonal meditation going back to the ancient Taoist teachings. I was on our jersey cow farm and becoming more scattered and...
Happy Birthday, Singer!

Happy Birthday, Singer!

I looked down into the well-bedded stall of hay and saw the bright colors of gold, white and black. A tiny little kitten, a calico. I always think of calicos as a jewel of cats. It was my kitty Singer when she was born, and it was 15 years ago in August that it...
Finding a new home

Finding a new home

I was eager to get Jon Katz’ new book, Talking to Animals, and after reading it, I became very inspired to try to send some of the mental images that he spoke of in his book to create an effect or manifest a change in an animal around me. After speaking with...
Releasing my Inner Goddess

Releasing my Inner Goddess

My Inner goddess has become quite shrouded as the years pass. I find myself wearing greys, greens, and brown a lot. Some of that has to do with being a farmer for much of my life. The poop keeps me humble. My batik do not share that state and ring with bright colors...
Black Gold

Black Gold

Dick and I looked out on the field. It looked like a broken up parking lot, likely an old drive in movie theater, but we were at the top of the hill looking out on what had been a cornfield. The land maps had listed the soil type as Nassau Shaley loam, but only the...
A Long Necked Tale

A Long Necked Tale

He ran over to me and gave me a kiss…I fell in love. “This is the llama for me!” I thought. Our neighbors had bought two llamas many years back right before we sold our farm and they were fascinating to me and Dick too. We now lived up the hill from our old farm...
Happy Birthday to me

Happy Birthday to me

Kate Austin-Avon has been helping me for years and recently we’ve been working together on getting a store on Art of Where, where I can offer my batik art on clothing! I was excited to get my first purchase on my birthday. Kate helped me transfer many of my...