Welcome, Molly!

Welcome, Molly!

Look who will soon be joining us here at the homestead. This is Molly, a well seasoned Tennessee Walking horse, not participating in shows but has seen many many happy trails… Star has been lonely since Vanilla’s passing and I know she will enjoy the...
My meeting with Foxy, the giant horse

My meeting with Foxy, the giant horse

This is one of my favorite photos of myself with the great Foxy. Pamela Rickenbach brought these magnificent horses to a Bedlam Farm Open House and I got to hear amazing tales from Pamela about the history of horses throughout the ages and the incredible energy fields...
I am a caregiver

I am a caregiver

  From early on I have been a caregiver. At first for mostly animals. My horses and then the farm with 70 milkers and at least 50 youngstock to care for.  We were treated with the delights and disappointments of birth and of course dealing with death. Both...
Finding another lost soul

Finding another lost soul

I have learned in yoga that some difficult people and animals can become your teachers, and Shadow certainly has. Shadow arrived to my driveway as a young female, very thin with a big belly. Of course I fed her near the cellar door and then inside…where she had...
Setting things in place as I prepare to move on.

Setting things in place as I prepare to move on.

Vanilla thinking of mischief Good thoughts from my friend Kris Faded and falling flowers Vanilla’s blanket, washed and cleaned It has been almost a month since Vanilla passed and very slowly I am putting in place those parts of his life that he left behind. His...
Where the pastures are always green and the temps are perfect

Where the pastures are always green and the temps are perfect

When I first saw Vanilla, he came right over and gave me a kiss! There were not that many kisses later, but I did get a few. He must have known he would get a good home. My neighbors the Goodspeeds had horses and two llamas. Both Dick and I loved to stop and see...
Be Kind to Humans Day

Be Kind to Humans Day

Be kind to humans day, I told Vanilla. As I started to put on his winter coat and neck wrap. It was 16 yesterday morning and snowed later on. Vanilla had been doing well this fall, but he did get chilled. He always feels warmer after he has his blanket but just does...
We got away once

We got away once

I guess it is normal for us to look back on our lives as we grow older. There were no cell phones to conveniently carry and take photos with so there are not many photos and what I have are faded and somewhat dirty. I still love to look at them. Dick and I were...
Where did the time go?

Where did the time go?

The sounds of the birds singing joyfully met me as I woke from my dreams. It was 5:30 and as I rose from my bed I felt gratitude for being rid of the severe pain from the last two summers. Stepping outdoors it was a perfect summer morning. Star and Vanilla both...