Amity Farm Batik interviewed on blog

McKenzie had some great questions for me. I’d love to have you see my interview on her blog. She plans to have my batik “Sheep on a Sunny Summer Day” in her magazine, “Seasoned:Whole Food for Thought and Consumption” in the coming spring...


The long low lonely sound of the train resounded through the morning mist. The train whistled through the distant hills as it headed north to Montreal. My eyes were just adjusting to the cool morning air I love so much this time of year. What a sharp contrast to the...

Blog and Tutorials

Welcome to the section of my website for blog posts and tutorials! Below you will see them all in chronological order as I wrote them, with the most recent at the top. If you are interested in tutorials, here they are in order of the process: 1. Video Tutorials by...

Out of the Wax

When the Batik has gone through all the waxing, dyeing and rinsing stages desired it is time to remove the wax. See my photos of batik before the wax is removed. You can see quite a build up of wax.There are several ways to remove wax. First, many scrape the loose wax...

Let’s Begin – Applying the wax

I hope you have read my description of batik separately before reading this (can be after). As batik is traditionally done on fabric we need to start here. Natural fibers with no sizing or synthetic fibers are best. I usually work with fine cotton in creating my...

Moon of All Time

All was still except for the faint sound of my foot steps on the frozen gravel path that lead up the hill behind my house. The sky was as clear as it could ever be and it was filled with sparkling stars. As I rose toward the top, the sound changed to the crunch of...

Christmas Memories

The Sun is reluctant to show itself this morning, but I see clouds in the west with highlights so I know it is there. Finally the a red patch hits a distant mountain and I know we will have a sunny day. The shortest day of light has passed us by so I look forward to...

Cold Hands at November’s End

My hands were quite cold in the morning breeze but my heart warmed as the sun crept across the fields, hedgerows and mountains. It is the last day of November and although the air is cool in this strong breeze, it is nice to see the sun. I practice Tai Chi high above...

Awesome Autumn!

The day shone brightly in the morning sun with snow covering everything. The first snow is not welcome in October, yet the brilliance of light was uplifting to me after the previous week of dark, foggy, damp and raining mornings. I grabbed my camera, dressed warmly...