by Carol Conklin | Jan 20, 2011
The cold mornings of January are now here. Ten below zero again and again. I look out of my chilly studio window and looking north see a drifted white field that leads to a low hedgerow lining a brook. The sun brightly highlights the steep bank on the other side and...
by Carol Conklin | Jan 19, 2011
by Carol Conklin | Jan 13, 2011
Today I awoke to an overcast day, but the snow had stopped. It will be a relief to have shoveling over and maybe sneak up the hill on snow shoes to look off at the snow drifted fields and the Adirondacks. The sun is workong its way through the clouds making everything...
by Carol Conklin | Jan 5, 2011
New Years Day and I walk up the hill behind my home. It is warm and hazy, the mountains not visible. There are patches of fields that do not have snow here and there. The trees stand out before me, with the oak and beech tree leaves making their gentle vibrating...
by Carol Conklin | Dec 22, 2010
The winter solstice has passed. It was a cold, cloudy, but not stormy day. From now on there will be a little more light every day. I missed the eclipse of the moon, but the fact that the moon was full on the same night as the solstice gave us more light than we would...