Steppin’ Up

Steppin’ grazing happily close by to the house now. We are now in the 3rd trimester of the pregnancy, relaxing and growing hopefully a healthy calf! So I am trying to encourage a calm environment for all of us. She is surrounded by flowering bushes, wildlife and...

Stretching With Cutest

I awaken with the usual stiffness and pain in my back and look out at the fog. This morning I will not be milking and take time to do some extra stretching and limbering exercises with Cutest, our eleven year old cat, who also has her stretching routine. The...

May 12

The spring storms the past weekend seemed a bit violent. Today and yesterday began below freezing. I hope our orchards escaped unharmed. There is still a need to lay low. The woodstove was back in use and the animals took shelter from the strong winds and driving...

Spring – End of April

Spring is like falling in love. That is how I feel on the warm spring sunny days in late April and early May.The soft breezes,sweet smell of the earth awakened, flowers and tree blossoms; every blade of grass, leaf, and shoot from the ground completely fresh and new....